Red Light Therapy Vs. Class IV Laser Therapy

Red Light Therapy Vs. Class IV Laser Therapy

The use of light therapy to promote healing and resolve inflammation is gaining traction in modern medicine. Two notable approaches include Red Light Therapy (RLT) and Class IV laser therapy. While these methods share similarities, they also have several distinct differences, affecting their applications and effectiveness. Let’s dive into a comparative analysis of RLT and Class IV laser therapy.


Mechanism of Action: Both RLT and Class IV laser therapy operate on a concept known as photobiomodulation (PBM). This process involves using specific light wavelengths to stimulate cellular activity, enhancing recovery, and resolving inflammation. Essentially, both forms of therapy use light energy to help cells perform their functions more efficiently.

Therapeutic Applications: RLT and Class IV laser therapy are both non-invasive treatment options often used in physical therapy, sports medicine, and pain management. They have proven effective for various conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, muscular injuries, neuropathy, skin conditions, and wound healing. Both types of therapy can alleviate pain, resolve inflammation, and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration.


Type of Light and Wavelength: The most significant difference between the two forms of therapy is the type of light and wavelength used. RLT uses a range of both red and near-infrared light (600-1000 nm), while Class IV laser therapy uses a more concentrated, high-powered laser in the near-infrared range (>800 nm). The more powerful the light, the deeper it can penetrate tissue, making Class IV laser therapy more effective for deep-seated injuries.

Energy Delivery and Duration: RLT delivers lower energy levels over a wider surface area and longer time duration, typically around 10-20 minutes. It is a gentle therapy, capable of penetrating up to 5 mm beneath the skin’s surface. In contrast, Class IV laser therapy delivers high energy in a shorter time frame, typically 5-10 minutes, and can penetrate tissues up to 5 cm deep. This makes it effective for treating not only superficial but also deep-seated injuries.

Safety and Side Effects: Both therapies are generally safe. However, due to the higher power, Class IV laser therapy must be applied with caution to avoid potential thermal injuries. Patients and providers must wear protective eyewear during treatment to prevent ocular damage. In contrast, RLT has few reported side effects, with a lower risk of thermal injury.

Cost and Availability: RLT devices are available at various price points and sizes, from professional units to affordable at-home devices, making this therapy widely accessible. Conversely, Class IV lasers are significantly more expensive and are typically only found in professional healthcare settings.

Regulatory Approval: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the U.S. FDA has not cleared RLT devices to treat specific medical conditions, although they are widely used off-label. In contrast, the FDA has cleared several Class IV laser devices for relieving minor muscle and joint pain, stiffness, and promoting relaxation of muscle tissue.

While both RLT and Class IV laser therapy utilize the principles of photobiomodulation for therapeutic benefits, they do so in distinct ways. RLT, with its broader spectrum of red and near-infrared light, offers a gentler, accessible approach that’s well-suited for superficial issues. In contrast, Class IV laser therapy, with its powerful, targeted beams, provides a more potent solution for deeper injuries. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of the patient, the depth of the target tissue, and availability of devices. Always consult a healthcare provider to choose the best treatment option.

At The BodyFix, We offer Treatments of Class IV Laser Therapy. We have a top quality SUMMUS Medical Laser that helps teat a variety of diagnosis!

Find out more information from our experts at The BodyFix. Or Book an Appointment with us today to start your healing journey! For more information, you can call us at 843-981-4500.